Sunday, February 20, 2011

The drums! The never ending drums!!!!!

Helllooooo! Testing 1234 testing 1234. good it's working. this is my first blog so just making sure it is in prime condition. alright... i promise i will put up an interesting blog in the near future, but for now you will have to settle for the bland and mundane gabble. blah blah blah wibbley wobbley timey wimey. lalala. If you have missed the first two clues, i probably should mention now that Doctor Who is one of those things that i'm...erm... just a bit obsessed with, so you will probably hear a lot about it (especially on friday nights after our Doctor Who/ Torchwood marathons. haha. don't say you weren't warned). anywho, this blog in the future will feature my art, interesting dreams, random rambling and etc etc.... you know, writings of the moment and those that require weeks of thought. anyways, can't think of anything else to write so ta ra! oh and---HERE COME THE DRUMS!!!!