Friday, September 30, 2011

Story Update!

For the past couple of weeks I have been very busy, and therefore have written near to nothing from where I left off on my story. But I do have a good excuse! My family and I had our last summer vacation in Disney World. Walking all day, being constantly entertained and coming back to the hotel late at night to then immediately crash till the next adventure packed day... well, you can see how there wasn't a lot of time to sit down for any amount of time and write. Concentration was nil. And now that school has started, the time I used to have for leisurely writing will be slashed brutally to make way for homework, studying, papers, and art projects. Not to worry though! Because deep in the past, lost in the mists of Time, weekends were invented by a great and mighty race just for this sort of thing. Huzzah! Three cheers for the Time Lords! For Gallifrey! For Victory! For the end of...! Ah, never mind. Part three of "First Encounters" is literally a few paragraphs from completion, so be on the lookout in the next few days. I am hoping to have it posted before the weekend is over.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Random Art

Here are some drawings and sketches I've done over the past few weeks, scribbled in my many journals and on random pieces paper.

The Lady Rosslinchaequentenoa of Gallifrey

Rose Tyler

The Lady Romanadvoratrelundar of Gallifrey 
Companion to the 4th Doctor

The Shelleshehath
Alien shug-shark thought up by my friend and I

Original sketch of the Shelleshehath
probably scribbled on a church welcome sheet